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Let's Run for Fun to Kick Cancers Bum
Joey and I are taking part in the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 2014 and are hoping to raise much needed funds for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation!!
We are going to be sweating it out to complete a gruelling course over the Harbour Bridge, around Sydney's CBD and finishing at the Opera House steps.
We are honoured to be a part of this amazing race and helping a great cause, and I’d really appreciate your support in this endeavour.
The reason for taking part in the Blackmores running festival and for raising funds for the Australian Cancer Research Foundation is because over a year ago we met an amazing American girl called Sarah. She started as a volunteer role at the current organisation Nikki works at. She was friendly, bubbly and we got along so well. She went back to America and when she got home she found out she had Ewing's Sarcoma - a type of bone cancer found in young adults. It was such a shock when we found out and made us want to make a difference, even if it was small. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer and there is still so much more research to be done. Sarah is a strong indiviual and we know she will kick cancers butt.
Thank you for your support and helping to make a difference! Love you Sarah!! xx
Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF)
At Australian Cancer Research Foundation, we know that only brilliant ideas can tackle something as big as cancer. That is why since 1984, we have given scientists the technology, equipment and infrastructure they need for pioneering research. From small vaccines to big machines our funding has supported some of the biggest outcomes in cancer research, across Australia.
Over the last 40 years, we have invested $184 million into 86 cancer research projects across 44 institutions.
ACRF supporters have backed landmark projects such as; the development of the world’s first cancer vaccine (for cervical cancer), the establishment of a precision medicine program working towards the goal of zero deaths from childhood cancer and the creation of the innovative MRI-Linac which will improve patient outcomes and reduce the trauma associated with radiation therapy. By funding research that seeks to progress and transform the way we prevent, detect and treat ALL cancers, we are committed to our vision of one day reaching a world without cancer.
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